RoboCup @Home Education
The RoboCup@Home Education Challenge is an educational competition platform to cultivate beginner teams for RoboCup@Home challenges.
The unique Workshop+Competition format effectively boosts novice participants for challenging service robot development and AI learning within an event time.
The purpose of the Education Challenge is to open the participation for everyone, especially novice and non-expert participants with no past experience.
RoboCup Home Edu Rules
RoboCup @Home Education Registration
Competition Date:
12-15 February 2024.
Competition Venue:
Arab Academy for Science & Technology, Alamien.
Age Limits:
Above 19 years old on July 1, 2024.
- First-place winner can participate in the International RoboCup 2024 in Netherlands.
Note: Team has to achieve 60% of the total score to be accepted at the international level.
Team Members:
Minimum: 2 students per team and Maximum 5 students per team plus ONE Mentor.
Registration Deadline:
Online Registration is available from 10th of October 2023 till 25th of November 2023.
Registration Fees:
6,500 L.E. per team (5 students and mentor).
Note: Robots and Ai Kits that will be registered teams responsibilities the completion will not provide teams with any robots or components.
All the Registration fees must be paid through the Regional Informatics Center at AASTMT, Abo Qeer, Alexandria or the AASTMT Bank Account.